If you want to be a web developer, make sure to learn JavaScript – it’s super important! Along with understanding HTML and CSS for making web pages look good, JavaScript is the key for handling the logic part of a webpage. So, start learning JavaScript early on.
For beginners who want to be web developers, you might not know much about JavaScript. Some people are unsure if it’s still useful today, especially with new JavaScript frameworks coming up. Don’t worry, this article will help you understand what JavaScript is all about and why it’s a good idea to learn it. Stick around till the end to find answers to your questions.
What is Javascript and Why It is Used?
Before you dive deep into learning JavaScript, it’s important to know why you’re learning it. This understanding will make it easier for you to learn and become good at programming.
JavaScript is a simple language used to make websites interactive. You might already know that HTML is used for the basic structure of a website, and CSS handles things like color and font. Here’s where JavaScript comes in.
JavaScript adds interactive elements to the website, like dropdown menus, pop-up windows, and contact forms. It’s also used for cool stuff like animations, interactive maps, and video players.
JavaScript is becoming more and more popular because it’s not just for websites. Some people think it’s only for making websites, but that’s not true. It’s also used for creating games that you can play in a web browser, and even for building mobile apps. Recently, with the help of many tools, JavaScript is also used for handling the behind-the-scenes work of software programs.
Is it Worth Learning Javascript?
Web development is a hot career choice this year, and it’s getting bigger every day. New tools are popping up all the time, which can make it a bit overwhelming to decide what to focus on. As someone looking to become a developer, it’s crucial to make sure that what you’re learning is still important in today’s industry.
JavaScript, born in 1995, has been a big deal for about two decades and is everywhere on the web. The good news is, it’s not going away anytime soon. Stats from a reliable source show that JavaScript has been the most popular programming language for seven years in a row, used by 95% of all websites.
So, if people are still using websites, you can bet that learning JavaScript is a smart move. With that in mind, let’s talk about some of the good things that come with learning JavaScript.
Why Should You Learn Javascript?
We’ve talked about it before, and it’s worth repeating: if you want to be a web developer, you need to know JavaScript. Even if you’re finding things tough in the tech world, being good at JavaScript means you can create a website right from the beginning. It’s one of the most valuable skills out there for building websites from scratch in today’s job market.
1. Versatility of the Language
Being a JavaScript expert opens up a world of opportunities in your career. JavaScript is a super flexible language – you can write code for both the part of a website people see (front-end) and the part that works behind the scenes (back-end), using different frameworks.
If you’re into making mobile apps or desktop apps, you can use JavaScript with frameworks like React Native and Electron. So, if you’re aiming to be a front-end developer, learning JavaScript is a must. But here’s the cool part – you can also use this language for game development and full-stack development if that’s more your thing. The possibilities are pretty much endless!
2. Experts are Well Paid
As we’ve mentioned before, JavaScript is a big deal – it’s one of the most popular programming languages out there. In the world of web development, many developers are working hard to become really good at it. Reports even say that over 60% of companies in web development are actively looking to hire experts in JavaScript.
And here’s some good news: if you become a JavaScript expert, you can expect a pretty nice paycheck at the end of the year. There’s a high demand for developers who know their way around JavaScript, so learning it won’t just boost your career; it could also lead to a handsome salary as a developer. It’s a win-win!
3. Knowing About Libraries and Framework
In the world of JavaScript, libraries and frameworks are like handy tools that make programming easier. Think of a framework as a blueprint for your website—it’s a structure with ready-to-use tools and components. Some of the popular ones include Angular JS, React JS, and Node JS.
Libraries, on the other hand, are like smaller parts of a framework, each designed for specific tasks. They’re like organized bits of JavaScript code that you can use to perform certain functions. For example, when working on a specific part of your website, you can either write 10 lines of JavaScript code or use a ready-made version from a JavaScript library.
jQuery, Dash, and Underscore are some well-known examples of JavaScript libraries. They just make your coding life a bit easier!
Is Javascript Necessary to Learn From First?
When you’re thinking about learning JavaScript, you might wonder if you should skip frameworks and libraries to save time. It’s a common debate – whether you should learn JavaScript first or not.
But, as we’ve already talked about, JavaScript is a must-learn language. It’s in high demand, and mastering it from the beginning is crucial. If you grasp the basic ideas of frameworks, you can smoothly step into the professional world as a web developer. So, it’s worth considering both JavaScript and its frameworks to build a strong foundation for your journey into web development.
If you want to learn JavaScript, the best way is to dive in and start practicing. Install a console on your computer and try out some code. There are plenty of resources on YouTube and Google that can help you get started. If you prefer a more organized learning experience, you can sign up for some paid development courses.
Take the time to really understand the basics of JavaScript. Once you’ve got a solid foundation, it will be easier to tackle more complex programming languages.
I hope this article has been helpful. If you have any questions or if there’s anything we missed, feel free to reach out. Learning web development and JavaScript takes time, so be patient with yourself. And remember, it’s not just about learning JavaScript from scratch; understanding libraries and frameworks is also crucial. Good luck on your learning journey!